WP Total Updater

Secure upgrades

Afraid to update WordPress?

Let APG take care of keeping your WordPress website or WooCommerce online store fully updated with WP Total Updater.

APG updates your WordPress ecosystem in a 100% secure way.

Web maintenance

Saves time and money

Without permanence

You can unsubscribe from the service at any time, no explanations and no questions asked.

No strings attached!


We perform regular and 100% secure updates of the WordPress core, themes and plugins you use.

Don’t worry!

Backup copies

We store as many as seven encrypted backups per day on our own high-performance, high-capacity NAS.

Don’t lose data!


Every first of the month you will receive a detailed report with all the updates made during the previous month.


Disaster recovery

Thanks to our backups we will be able to recover your website at any time and quickly.

No danger!


We make sure your website is active 24 hours a day by monitoring it every minute of the day, 365 days a year.

Always active!

Our plans

We have a tailor-made plan for every need


From 36,30 month

  • No minimum term.

  • WordPress updates.

  • Update of themes.

  • Update of plugins.

  • Daily backup.

  • Disaster recovery.

  • Monthly report.

  • Web monitoring 24×7.

  • Notification of incidents.

  • Valid for WooCommerce.

  • Premium themes update.

  • Premium plugins update.

  • Monthly review of WordPress.

  • Monthly security review.

  • Monthly performance review.


From 84,70 month

  • No minimum term.

  • WordPress updates.

  • Update of themes.

  • Update of plugins.

  • Daily backup.

  • Disaster recovery.

  • Monthly report.

  • Web monitoring 24×7.

  • Notification of incidents.

  • Valid for WooCommerce.

  • Premium themes update.

  • Premium plugins update.

  • Monthly review of WordPress.

  • Monthly security review.

  • Monthly performance review.


From 121,00 month

  • No minimum term.

  • WordPress updates.

  • Update of themes.

  • Update of plugins.

  • Daily backup.

  • Disaster recovery.

  • Monthly report.

  • Web monitoring 24×7.

  • Notification of incidents.

  • Valid for WooCommerce.

  • Premium themes update.

  • Premium plugins update.

  • Monthly review of WordPress.

  • Monthly security review.

  • Monthly performance review.


All our plans include the following services:

Recuerda que puedes darte de baja en cualquier momento*, sin tener que darnos ninguna explicación y sin que te preguntemos los motivos.

Contrata un mes para probar WP Total Updater y ahorra dinero contratando un año completo.

*En los contratos anuales hay que notificar la baja con un mes de antelación y en los mensuales con una semana de antelación.

APG WP Total Updater regularly checks if the WordPress core, theme and plugins that make up your ecosystem are up to date. If a newer version of any of the components is available, APG will update it safely and securely.

In the event that any of the available updates are not compatible with the rest of the ecosystem or cause any kind of error on your website or online shop, it will not be applied until the remaining components are fully compatible with it.

A very common example is that the latest released version of WooCommerce* may not be compatible with the latest available version of the installed theme.

Thanks to WP Total Updater you ensure that your website or online shop is free of any known security holes, or that it is using the fastest and most efficient PHP, SQL, HTML, JavaScript and/or CSS code possible, among many other advantages, which will make your website faster, more efficient and more secure.

*WooCommerce upgrades are not supported on the Starter Plan.

WP Total Updater takes care of daily backups of 100% of the files that make up your website* and the encrypted database in our exclusive private cloud, in compliance with current legislation.

We remotely store seven full copies of your website*, separated into: Database, Themes, Plugins, Uploaded files, WordPress core and Other, for the last seven days.

*Backups of online shops under WooCommerce are not supported in the Starter Plan.

We monitor that your website is up every minute, 24 hours a day, from more than 25 different locations on several continents.

We also monitor your SSL certificate, your DNS, the renewal date of your domain name, whether it has been added to the Google Safe Browsing list and your Google PageSpeed Insights score.

We now also compare the changes on the homepage every day to avoid undetected crashes.

We inform you by email in case of any issues with your server.

You can manage the alerts you want to receive yourself.

Every first of the month you will receive a detailed report with all the updates made during the previous month.

You will always be informed of everything that has been updated on your website.

Thanks to our backups and the premium plugin that we include with WP Total Updater we can recover your website at any time. It will be as if you had your own time machine and you can safely go back in time.

You can easily restore your website or online shop in case of any issues.

Since WP Total Updater generates a detailed report of all the actions performed by each of the users of the website we will always know what and who has caused the disaster.

WP Total Updater adds an issue notification form to your website so that you can quickly inform us of any issues that have occurred with any of the updates. Since it is accessible from the administration bar of your WordPress, it is available on 100% of the content of your administration panel.

Direct and simple communication of incidents.

Remember that depending on the plan you sign up for, the following services are also available:

We update your online shop under WooCommerce with the total security provided by WP Total Updater.

Spend your time managing your online business and don’t worry about updates and backups.

In the Advanced Plan you will have a backup of your database every 4 hours, in addition to the daily backup provided by the Medium Plan.

We update your theme and premium plugins with the latest official updates.

In case you don’t have the official license APG has an extensive catalogue of official licenses and in case you don’t have it we will buy it to add it to our catalogue.

Every month we take an in-depth look at your WordPress and WooCommerce to make sure everything is working perfectly.

We also check the security and overall performance of your website.

Ask us for information about our services